How to Fix AttributeError: module ‘botocore.vendored.requests’ has no attribute ‘exceptions’ Traceback
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How to Fix AttributeError: module ‘botocore.vendored.requests’ has no attribute ‘exceptions’ Traceback

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Are you tired of seeing the frustrating AttributeError: module 'botocore.vendored.requests' has no attribute 'exceptions' traceback error in your Python script? You’re not alone! This error can be a real showstopper, especially when you’re working with AWS services using the Boto3 library. Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to embark on a journey to fix this pesky issue once and for all!

What’s causing the error?

The AttributeError: module 'botocore.vendored.requests' has no attribute 'exceptions' error typically occurs when there’s a version mismatch between the Boto3 library and the underlying requests library. The error message indicates that the botocore.vendored.requests module doesn’t have an exceptions attribute, which is required by Boto3 to handle errors properly.

How did we get here?

The issue often arises when you’ve recently upgraded or downgraded the Boto3 library, or when you’re working with an outdated version of the requests library. This can happen when you’re using a virtual environment, or when you’ve installed Boto3 using pip without specifying the correct version constraints. The result? A breaking change that leaves your script in limbo!

Fixing the error: A step-by-step guide

Don’t worry, we’ve got a plan! Follow these steps to resolve the AttributeError: module 'botocore.vendored.requests' has no attribute 'exceptions' error and get your script running smoothly again:

  1. Check your Boto3 version

    First, let’s verify the version of Boto3 you’re using. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

    pip show boto3

    Take note of the version number, as we’ll need it later.

  2. Upgrade or downgrade Boto3

    Depending on your version, you might need to upgrade or downgrade Boto3 to a compatible version. Here are some recommendations:

    • If you’re running Boto3 version 1.17.10 or earlier, upgrade to the latest version using:
    pip install --upgrade boto3
  3. If you’re running Boto3 version 1.18.0 or later, downgrade to version 1.17.10 using:
  4. pip install boto3==1.17.10

    Make sure to verify the installation by running pip show boto3 again.

  5. Check your requests version

    Next, let’s check the version of the underlying requests library:

    pip show requests

    Take note of the version number, as we’ll need it later.

  6. Upgrade or downgrade requests

    Depending on your version, you might need to upgrade or downgrade the requests library to a compatible version. Here are some recommendations:

    • If you’re running requests version 2.25.1 or earlier, upgrade to the latest version using:
    pip install --upgrade requests
  7. If you’re running requests version 2.26.0 or later, downgrade to version 2.25.1 using:
  8. pip install requests==2.25.1

    Make sure to verify the installation by running pip show requests again.

  9. Verify the fix

    After upgrading or downgrading Boto3 and requests, re-run your script to see if the error has been resolved.

Additional troubleshooting steps

If the above steps don’t resolve the issue, try these additional troubleshooting steps:

Check for virtual environment conflicts

If you’re working within a virtual environment, try activating and deactivating it to see if the error persists. Sometimes, virtual environment conflicts can cause issues with package versions.

Try a clean install

In extreme cases, try uninstalling Boto3 and requests, followed by a clean install:

pip uninstall boto3 requests
pip install boto3 requests

This will remove any existing versions and install the latest compatible versions.

Review your code

Take a closer look at your code and ensure you’re not importing the requests library directly. Instead, use the boto3 library, which should handle the requests for you.


Solving the AttributeError: module 'botocore.vendored.requests' has no attribute 'exceptions' error requires a combination of version checks, upgrades, and downgrades. By following this step-by-step guide, you should be able to resolve the issue and get your script running smoothly again. Remember to verify your Boto3 and requests versions, and don’t hesitate to try additional troubleshooting steps if needed. Happy coding!
Related Errors Solutions
AttributeError: module 'botocore.vendored.requests' has no attribute 'packages' Try downgrading Boto3 to version 1.17.10 and requests to version 2.25.1.
ImportError: cannot import name 'requests' from 'botocore.vendored.requests' Verify that you’re not importing the requests library directly. Instead, use the boto3 library.

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with the pesky “AttributeError: module ‘botocore.vendored.requests’ has no attribute ‘exceptions'” error? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot and fix this issue.

Q1: What causes the “AttributeError: module ‘botocore.vendored.requests’ has no attribute ‘exceptions'” error?

This error occurs when there’s a mismatch between the botocore and requests libraries. Botocore, a dependency of Boto3, uses its own vendored version of requests, which might not have the ‘exceptions’ attribute. This can happen when you’ve updated one library but not the other, causing compatibility issues.

Q2: How do I fix the “AttributeError: module ‘botocore.vendored.requests’ has no attribute ‘exceptions'” error?

A simple update of both botocore and requests libraries usually fixes the issue. Run `pip install –upgrade botocore requests` in your terminal or command prompt to update these libraries to their latest versions.

Q3: I’ve updated botocore and requests, but I still get the error. What’s next?

If updating botocore and requests doesn’t work, try reinstalling Boto3 as well. Run `pip uninstall boto3` and then `pip install boto3` to reinstall it. This should ensure that all dependencies, including botocore and requests, are up-to-date and compatible.

Q4: I’m using a virtual environment, and updating botocore and requests didn’t help. What’s going on?

In a virtual environment, sometimes packages can get stuck or not update properly. Try deleting your virtual environment and recreating it from scratch. This will ensure a clean slate for your dependencies. Then, reinstall Boto3 and its dependencies using `pip install boto3`.

Q5: I’ve tried everything, but I still get the error. What should I do?

If none of the above solutions work, it’s time to dig deeper. Check your Python version, as some issues might be specific to certain versions. Also, review your code for any inconsistencies or conflicts with other libraries. If all else fails, try seeking help from the Boto3 community or a Python expert.