Spring Boot: Reinject Dependency on the Fly when using Spring Cloud Binder
Image by Kase - hkhazo.biz.id

Spring Boot: Reinject Dependency on the Fly when using Spring Cloud Binder

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Are you tired of struggling with dependencies in your Spring Boot application? Do you wish you could effortlessly reinject dependencies on the fly when using Spring Cloud Binder? Well, you’re in luck! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the world of Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Binder, and show you exactly how to achieve this feat.

What is Spring Cloud Binder?

Before we dive into the juicy stuff, let’s take a step back and understand what Spring Cloud Binder is. Spring Cloud Binder is a library that provides a simple way to bind external configuration to your Spring Boot application. It allows you to externalize your configuration, making it easy to manage and update your application’s settings without having to redeploy your code.

The Problem: Reinjecting Dependencies

Now, imagine you’re working on a Spring Boot application that uses Spring Cloud Binder to manage its configuration. You’ve got everything set up and running smoothly, but then you realize that you need to update a dependency in your application. Maybe you need to switch to a different database or change the logging mechanism. Whatever the reason, you need to reinject the dependency on the fly, without restarting your application.

This is where things get tricky. Spring Boot’s default behavior is to wire dependencies at startup, making it difficult to update them dynamically. But fear not, dear reader, for we have a solution!

Solution: Using the `@RefreshScope` Annotation

The secret to reinjecting dependencies on the fly lies in the `@RefreshScope` annotation. This annotation, provided by Spring Cloud, allows you to refresh a bean’s scope on demand. By adding this annotation to your configuration class, you can update dependencies dynamically.

public class MyConfig {
    private String myProperty;
    public MyService myService() {
        return new MyServiceImpl(myProperty);

In this example, the `MyConfig` class is annotated with `@RefreshScope`. This tells Spring Cloud to refresh the scope of the `myService` bean whenever the `my.property` value changes.

Refreshing the Scope

Now that we’ve annotated our configuration class, we need to refresh the scope when we update the dependency. To do this, we can use the `RefreshScope` bean provided by Spring Cloud.

public class MyController {
    private RefreshScope refreshScope;
    public String refresh() {
        return "Scope refreshed!";

In this example, we’ve created a REST controller that exposes a `refresh` endpoint. When we call this endpoint, the `refreshScope` bean is used to refresh the scope of all beans annotated with `@RefreshScope`.

Example: Switching Databases

Let’s say we want to switch our application from using a H2 database to a MySQL database. We can do this by updating the `spring.datasource.url` property and refreshing the scope.

public class MyController {
    private RefreshScope refreshScope;
    public String switchDB() {
        // Update the datasource URL
        System.setProperty("spring.datasource.url", "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb");
        // Refresh the scope
        return "Database switched!";

In this example, we’ve updated the `spring.datasource.url` property and refreshed the scope. This will reinject the dependency and switch our application to use the MySQL database.

Example: Changing Logging Mechanism

Another common scenario is changing the logging mechanism at runtime. We can do this by updating the `logging.config` property and refreshing the scope.

public class MyController {
    private RefreshScope refreshScope;
    public String switchLogging() {
        // Update the logging config
        System.setProperty("logging.config", "classpath:logback.xml");
        // Refresh the scope
        return "Logging mechanism switched!";

In this example, we’ve updated the `logging.config` property and refreshed the scope. This will reinject the dependency and switch our application to use the new logging mechanism.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Binder, and showed you how to reinject dependencies on the fly using the `@RefreshScope` annotation. We’ve provided clear and direct instructions, along with examples, to help you achieve this feat.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to update dependencies dynamically, without restarting your application. This will give you the flexibility and control you need to manage your Spring Boot application with ease.

So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and give it a try! Update those dependencies and watch your application come alive!


Q: What is Spring Cloud Binder?

A: Spring Cloud Binder is a library that provides a simple way to bind external configuration to your Spring Boot application.

Q: What is the `@RefreshScope` annotation?

A: The `@RefreshScope` annotation is used to refresh a bean’s scope on demand, allowing you to update dependencies dynamically.

Q: How do I refresh the scope?

A: You can use the `RefreshScope` bean provided by Spring Cloud to refresh the scope of all beans annotated with `@RefreshScope`.

Q: What are some use cases for reinjecting dependencies on the fly?

A: Some common use cases include switching databases, changing logging mechanisms, and updating API endpoints.

Use Case Description
Switching Databases Update the database URL and refresh the scope to switch to a new database.
Changing Logging Mechanism Update the logging config and refresh the scope to switch to a new logging mechanism.
Updating API Endpoints Update the API endpoint URL and refresh the scope to switch to a new API endpoint.


We hope you found this article helpful! If you have any further questions or need more clarification, feel free to ask in the comments below.

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most common queries about Spring Boot reinjecting dependencies on the fly when using Spring Cloud Binder.

How does Spring Boot reinject dependencies on the fly when using Spring Cloud Binder?

When using Spring Cloud Binder, Spring Boot can reinject dependencies on the fly by using the `@RefreshScope` annotation on the bean that needs to be reinjected. This annotation enables the bean to be refreshed and recreated when the dependencies change, allowing the application to pick up the new dependencies without requiring a restart.

What is the purpose of the `@RefreshScope` annotation in Spring Boot?

The `@RefreshScope` annotation is used to indicate that a bean should be recreated and refreshed when the dependencies change. This allows the application to pick up the new dependencies on the fly, without requiring a restart. The annotation is typically used in conjunction with Spring Cloud Binder to enable dynamic configuration and dependency injection.

How does Spring Cloud Binder handle changes to dependencies?

Spring Cloud Binder handles changes to dependencies by using a concept called “binding”. When a dependency is updated, the binder will detect the change and update the application’s configuration accordingly. The updated configuration is then injected into the application, allowing it to use the new dependency.

What are the benefits of using Spring Cloud Binder with Spring Boot?

The benefits of using Spring Cloud Binder with Spring Boot include dynamic configuration and dependency injection, automatic detection and handling of changes to dependencies, and the ability to reinject dependencies on the fly without requiring a restart. This allows for more flexible and resilient applications that can adapt to changing requirements and environments.

Can I use Spring Cloud Binder with other Spring-based frameworks?

Yes, Spring Cloud Binder is not exclusive to Spring Boot and can be used with other Spring-based frameworks, such as Spring Cloud Data Flow and Spring Cloud Stream. However, the level of integration and support may vary depending on the specific framework and use case.