Building Custom Cross-Validation in Pycaret: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Building Custom Cross-Validation in Pycaret: A Step-by-Step Guide

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In the world of machine learning, cross-validation is a crucial step in evaluating the performance of a model. Pycaret, a popular Python library, provides an easy-to-use interface for building and evaluating machine learning models. However, what if you want to go beyond the default cross-validation methods provided by Pycaret? In this article, we’ll explore how to build custom cross-validation in Pycaret, giving you the flexibility to tailor your validation process to your specific needs.

Why Custom Cross-Validation?

Before we dive into the implementation, let’s discuss why custom cross-validation might be necessary. Here are a few scenarios where a custom approach is beneficial:

  • Unique data requirements: Your dataset may have specific requirements that don’t fit the default cross-validation methods. For example, you might need to perform stratified sampling or use a custom folding strategy.
  • Domain-specific knowledge: You may have domain-specific knowledge that can be incorporated into the cross-validation process. By building a custom cross-validation method, you can leverage this knowledge to create a more accurate evaluation of your model.
  • Advanced validation techniques: You might want to experiment with more advanced validation techniques, such as nested cross-validation or adversarial validation. Custom cross-validation allows you to implement these techniques.

Preparing Your Environment

Before we start building our custom cross-validation method, make sure you have Pycaret installed and imported in your Python environment. You can install Pycaret using pip:

pip install pycaret

Now, let’s load the necessary libraries and import Pycaret:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pycaret.regression import *
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error

Understanding Pycaret’s Cross-Validation

Before building a custom cross-validation method, it’s essential to understand how Pycaret’s default cross-validation works. Pycaret uses the `StratifiedKFold` method from scikit-learn, which is a variant of the traditional k-fold cross-validation method. This method ensures that each fold contains approximately the same percentage of samples from each class.

In Pycaret, you can specify the number of folds and the type of cross-validation using the `fold` parameter:

from pycaret.regression import *
exp = setup(X, y, fold_strategy="stratifiedkfold", fold=5)

Building a Custom Cross-Validation Method

Now that we understand Pycaret’s default cross-validation, let’s build a custom method. We’ll create a simple example that demonstrates how to implement a custom folding strategy.

Custom Folding Strategy

In this example, we’ll create a custom folding strategy that splits the data into folds based on a specific column. We’ll use the `TimeSeriesSplit` method from scikit-learn, which is typically used for time-series data. However, we can adapt it to work with any column that has a natural ordering.

from sklearn.model_selection import TimeSeriesSplit

def custom_folding(X, y, num_folds=5):
    tscv = TimeSeriesSplit(n_splits=num_folds)
    folds = []
    for train_index, val_index in tscv.split(X):
        X_train, X_val = X.iloc[train_index], X.iloc[val_index]
        y_train, y_val = y.iloc[train_index], y.iloc[val_index]
        folds.append((X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val))
    return folds

In this example, we define a `custom_folding` function that takes in the feature matrix `X`, target vector `y`, and the number of folds as input. The function returns a list of tuples, where each tuple contains the training and validation sets for a particular fold.

Integrating with Pycaret

Now that we have our custom folding strategy, let’s integrate it with Pycaret. We’ll create a custom `fold` parameter that accepts our `custom_folding` function:

from pycaret.regression import *
from pycaret.utils import fold_schema

class CustomFold(fold_schema):
    def __init__(self, X, y, num_folds=5):
        self.X = X
        self.y = y
        self.num_folds = num_folds

    def split(self):
        return custom_folding(self.X, self.y, self.num_folds)

exp = setup(X, y, fold=CustomFold(X, y, num_folds=5))

In this example, we define a `CustomFold` class that inherits from Pycaret’s `fold_schema`. The `CustomFold` class takes in the feature matrix `X`, target vector `y`, and the number of folds as input. The `split` method calls our `custom_folding` function and returns the list of folds.

Using Custom Cross-Validation

Now that we have our custom cross-validation method, let’s use it to evaluate a machine learning model. We’ll use a simple linear regression model as an example:

from pycaret.regression import *

lr_model = create_model('lr')

score = cross_val_score(lr_model, X, y, cv=exp.get_fold(), scoring='mse')
print("Mean Squared Error (MSE):", score)

In this example, we create a linear regression model using Pycaret’s `create_model` function. We then use the `cross_val_score` function to evaluate the model using our custom cross-validation method. The `cv` parameter is set to the `CustomFold` object, which defines the folding strategy.


In this article, we’ve demonstrated how to build a custom cross-validation method in Pycaret. By creating a custom folding strategy, we can tailor the validation process to our specific needs and incorporate domain-specific knowledge. This flexibility is essential in machine learning, where a one-size-fits-all approach often falls short.

Remember, custom cross-validation is not limited to the example we provided. You can experiment with different folding strategies, validation techniques, and metrics to create a tailored evaluation process for your machine learning models.

Keyword Frequency
Building custom Cross-validation in Pycaret 5
Custom Cross-validation 7
Pycaret Cross-validation 3
Machine Learning Model Evaluation 2

This article is optimized for the keyword “Building custom Cross-validation in Pycaret” and related terms. The frequency of each keyword is provided in the table above.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Get ready to elevate your machine learning game with custom cross-validation in Pycaret! Here are some of the most frequently asked questions to get you started.

Why do I need custom cross-validation in Pycaret?

Custom cross-validation in Pycaret allows you to tailor the evaluation of your machine learning models to your specific problem and dataset. This is crucial when you have unique data characteristics, such as imbalanced classes or time-series data, that require a more nuanced approach to model evaluation.

How do I define a custom cross-validation strategy in Pycaret?

You can define a custom cross-validation strategy in Pycaret by creating aFold object and passing it to the experiment function. For example, you can use the TimeSeriesSplit function from scikit-learn to create a custom time series cross-validation strategy.

Can I use custom cross-validation with automated machine learning in Pycaret?

Yes! Pycaret’s automated machine learning functionality is fully compatible with custom cross-validation. Simply define your custom cross-validation strategy and pass it to the setup function, and Pycaret will take care of the rest.

How do I evaluate the performance of my model with custom cross-validation in Pycaret?

Pycaret provides a range of metrics and visualizations to evaluate the performance of your model with custom cross-validation. You can use the get_config function to access the evaluation metrics, and the plot_model function to visualize the results.

Are there any limitations to using custom cross-validation in Pycaret?

While custom cross-validation in Pycaret offers a high degree of flexibility, it does require a good understanding of the underlying machine learning concepts and the specific requirements of your problem. Additionally, complex cross-validation strategies can increase computational time and resource requirements.